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New York Times's President Predictor is a Masterclass in Information Design

The New York Times's data-driven arm The Upshot has been tallying the odds behind the 2016 presidential election, and has just published the results on a page called "Who Will Be President?"

The New York Times's data-driven arm The Upshot has been tallying the odds behind the 2016 presidential election, and has just published the results on a page called "Who Will Be President?" authored by Josh Katz.

It’s worth bookmarking through November, because it’s about as cleanly presented as data journalism can get.

The NYT doesn’t bury the lede. It answers its own question right up top with a clear statement: "Hillary Clinton has about a 76% chance of winning the presidency." (That figure, as of the time our story was published.)

This leaves the reader with the clearest takeaway possible to avoid any misinterpretation hiding within overly clever graphic designs.

Right below the takeaway? The piece includes a line graph, showing how its own candidate projection has shifted over time. This is a great piece of data transparency. It’s also useful in showing how the election has trended over time as a narrative arc.

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