
2016 [app] design awards

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Image Credit : Perfecto owned images




Project Overview

Perfecto’s Wind Tunnel is an industry first approach which validates the quality of your app against real user conditions and environments such as; location, preferred device(s), network coverage and other apps running in the background. Within Perfecto’s Continuous Quality Lab, Wind Tunnel allows you to create target personas and test against them to ensure your app is ready for the hands of your target customer in the real world, which is not only key to delivering a great digital experience for your end consumer but also helps to create an efficient and effective testing process.




Perfecto mobilises brands by helping perfect the digital experiences that define them. Perfecto's complete, cloud-based lab helps enterprise teams deliver Continuous Quality for native apps and web using real devices in real end-user environments. We provide the deep, real-time insight businesses need by strengthening every digital interaction and nurturing loyal, empowered users.

The world's leading brands trust Perfecto to test, monitor and deliver better apps, faster. But before Perfecto was the leader in digital experience quality, we were a team of innovative, relentless techies, dedicated to helping customers deliver great apps. As customer engagement moved to the web, and then to mobile devices, the need for a complete solution drove our innovation.

Project Brief

Digital transformation is not a trend but a reality, especially in the mobile space, where user expectations are high and growing each day. It’s imperative that organisations shift their focus to assure a winning digital user experience that reflects the real world.

As consumer usage patterns change, so must test scenarios. To achieve true mobile quality, Perfecto believes you need to bring your users to the lab. The Perfecto Wind Tunnel offers a set of user profiles that assist in defining what real user conditions need to be emulated during testing. The goal of the Wind Tunnel is to help you find blind spots that may only be revealed to certain users.

For example, users who engage with a native airline app will most likely do so close to the time of their flight to review seat selection, gate change notifications, delays and check in. Testing login, check-ins and other app functions in a clean room environment will not match the true user experience because these activities happen mostly on the way to – and at — the airport. These environments consist of various network conditions (Wi-fi, 3G, airplane mode), and many pop-up notifications, some of which are based on location.

In complex environments like this, testing just basic mobile app features under ideal conditions will fall short. It’s essential to add another layer of testing if you want to deliver a memorable digital user experience, and that’s exactly what Wind Tunnel allows businesses to do.

Project Need

Customers using a mobile application are themselves mobile. A standard functional test is no longer enough, the testing needs to consider the environment that affects the application.

Wind Tunnel offers the following abilities to extend coverage to real user conditions:

1. Pre-defined Personas. Persona concept which reflects a typical user definition. Each persona contains a series of properties that together simulate a real end user. By setting a persona all its pre-defined properties are set.

For example, Georgia, a 47 year old high income, corporate road warrior living in London. Her traits include:

Network: Constantly connected, frequent network switches
Brand of choice: Apple & Orange
App loyalty: Intense social user, relies on mobile for travel, WhatsApp, Mobile Banking and PO & Expense Report approval.

These traits are translated into capabilities, creating Georgia's persona that can be easily incorporated into your test.

2. Points of interest that identify crucial application flows. Allows mobile teams to pin point real user issues, and get a detailed dashboard with view into the actual error for a specific transaction, such as a purchase transaction taking too long.
This allows identifying app quality issues before app delivery to production, assuring end-user satisfaction and avoiding long debugging cycles.

3. Timer reporting ability to track performance of the application. All these abilities are easy to add to the test and visible in a new reporting interface designed to help understanding and drill down of issues.

User Experience

Wind Tunnel offers developers, Dev/Test teams and executives the following benefits which ultimately helps the complete testing process to be streamlined, efficient, and effective.

• Efficient and early analysis - Easily assess mobile events, device vitals, and various conditions that impact the user experience.

• No change to existing test scripts or build processes – Apply real user conditions onto existing automated tests using popular orchestration tools such as Jenkins or TestNG.

For example, R+V, one of the largest insurance companies in Germany looked to Perfecto to help improve efficiency by switching to a cloud-based digital quality lab.

The result? Using The Continuous Quality Lab and Wind Tunnel, R+V is able to test their web portals on real devices before and after every release, which has proven to enhance the quality and consistency of the portals and reduce the risk of alienating customers because of a poor user experience. R+V is also able to automate tests across these devices, bringing the company as close as possible to its target user.

Working in this cloud testing environment, R+V continues to grow its customer base through the mobile channel. By testing more cases on more devices under real user conditions, R+V can better serve mobile users no matter what device they’re using or where they are located.

“R+V decided a cloud-based environment that offered real devices for testing was a must to deliver high-quality user experience.” Dierk Jordan, Test Manager, R+V

Project Marketing

Wind Tunnel is an extension of Perfecto’s core product - Continuous Quality Lab (CQL), and so is a key part of Perfecto’s overall marketing strategy. The marketing strategy for Wind Tunnel and the CQL is focused around communicating Perfecto’s role in ensuring that companies provide a high quality digital experience for their end consumers through high quality mobile and web apps.

This communication is done through a huge range of Perfecto’s owned content, such as Perfecto’s blog, social media channels, owned videos and other website content. The message is further amplified and communicated through earned coverage gained through press releases and online PR outreach focused on thought leadership.

To support Wind Tunnel, Perfecto also created the following marketing collateral:

• Complete Guide to Wind Tunnel including; introduction, personas, adding Wind Tunnel to your test, viewing the Wind Tunnel report, network conditions for Wind Tunnel and a Q&A on the product

• A full demo on how to use the product

• A whitepaper titled ‘Are Your Apps Ready for the Real World’

• Webinar with Forrester Research's Julie Ask (An author of The Mobile Mind Shift) and Perfecto President, Rainer Gawlick on how to achieve a winning digital user experience

Project Privacy

Perfect’s enterprise grade, cloud-based Continuous Quality Lab has everything you need to deliver great mobile and web apps – including secure access, compliance and network availability.

• Data Security: In addition to compliance and access security controls, all devices are locked inside access-controlled steel cases. We always align with industry best practices including NIST and ISO 27002 control frameworks.

• Risk and Compliance: Perfecto’s 13 global data centres include certifications for SOC2 & PCI, 508 Compliance, and Safe Harbor. We are also certified with the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and are TRUSTe Verified.

• Biometric Access: Perfecto relies on the latest and most reliable security access controls including biometric readers, mantraps and CCTV monitoring. Every data centre also includes 24-hour managed security that includes foot patrols and perimeter inspections.

• Network Optimised: Access our clouds via high bandwidth network that connect to all major carriers and are located near major Internet hubs. Data is transmitted across encrypted links and each centre is designed around reliable disaster recovery.

This can be any new service or application from a start-up to an industry leader. It's not just bells and whistles we're after but true innovation, exceeding expectations and filling a void that had previously been open.
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